ADMS v2 Installation


If you have trouble running the installer on a fresh install or during an upgrade. Please try installing via msiexec at an elevated command prompt.

msiexec /i <path to installer.msi>


Run the installer.

After downloading the installer double click on the ADMS-.msi

Accept the license agreement.

Then click install.

The MSI will run and start the service.

Once complete select Open the ADMS Console and Finish

This will open the ADMS Console

You will need to accept the Security Alert as the certificate is unsigned. (


Then you are ready to either complete configuration or it will be pre populated from your existing ADMS v1

Please send us the Service GUID so we can activate your license.

For Support

Click on the Help button

This will give you contextual help and direct contact details for us.

Groups Configuration

Student Configuration

Staff Configuration

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